23. The Exact Reframe You Need to Let Go & Get Pregnant Faster

Season #1

You've tried so hard to keep a positive mindset while trying to get pregnant - through every month getting your period, every pregnancy announcement you swipe through on IG - but no matter what you do, there's always something that eventually triggers you into an emotional spiral. Where you're upset, frustrated and then just plain defeated. Because of this you feel like no matter how hard you try, you just get knocked back to square one - with a little less hope and belief than before.

In this episode, I am going to teach you the most potent mindset shift that you can make right now to break out of what I call the 'emotional ttc rollercoaster' so that you can work WITH your mind, not against it, and get pregnant faster.

To Apply to Holistic Fertility Method, click here: https://courses.steshareukauf.com/hfm-application

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