30. What to do if getting your period emotionally derails your fertility journey

Season #1

For too long, we’ve been taught to dread our periods because of a variety of reasons: 

  • culturally: its’ unclean, unproductive, and gets in the way of our masculine-driven society
  • physically: it can be uncomfortable, inconvenient and down right painful - causing blame and distrust of our body
  • circumstantially: it’s the one sign that reminds us we’re still not pregnant.

Despite all of that working against us, your menstruation is actually where all your power lies. 

We’ve just been taught to distrust it and to get through it. But just as sleep can make or break your performance in a big meeting the next day, so does your menstruation make or break the fulfillment you attain for the next month. Just as there’s a way to optimize your sleep, so too is there a way to optimize your menstruation, physically and energetically. And that’s what this episode is all about.

Reframing the meaning of your period bleed to being one of fertile abundance, NOT a reminder of your infertility.

Here's how it works:

The 5-7 day span surrounding your period bleed has an energetic alignment to the winter season. it is a time in our cycle where we abandon all masculine energy of 'doing' and retreat to our feminine power of 'being'.

It is a time of detachment, surrender and letting go of what no longer serves you, so you can make room for your next-level Self to manifest in the cycle that lies ahead.

The biggest misconception about needing to rest during menstruation is that ‘nothing is happening’ and therefore it’s not valuable, it’s weak and makes you lazy. But there’s an entire treasure chest of untapped power beneath the surface and I’m going to show you how to leverage it in order to expand into the next-level version of yourself.

But when ignored, which it often is in our society, not only do you slowly erode your vitality, but you become completely ungrounded, consumed by chaotic thoughts, pulled in every which direction, getting caught up in comparison and judgment, and letting others opinions and advice sway your decisions leading to regret and not trusting yourself - I think we can all think of times when we’ve felt this way.

This monthly ritual is a ‘coming home’ ritual where expanded states of consciousness can be experienced naturally and effortlessly. It’s also about increasing your energetic set point of self-worth by indulging yourself in pleasure. In fact, your one and only sacred task of our inner winter is to utterly give in and receive.