29. How to Know if You're Out of Alignment with your Fertility Strategy

Season #1

Have you ever woken up and wondered, ‘how in the hell did I get here? How has my fertility journey come to THIS?!’ ‘THIS’ being the desperation, disbelief and disappointment you feel about the possibility of getting pregnant. These emotions do NOT mean you’re not meant to be a mother. It simply means you’re living out of alignment with who you truly are. This might seem like fairy dust to the ambitious, high achieving woman that you are, but take it from me - a recovering high achiever with 3 degrees, a masters and phd… GETTING WHAT YOU WANT DOESNT HAVE TO BE HARD If we don’t take this very important step of aligning our energy, then we will continue to live our lives through someone else’s rules and expectations. Always needing to get ‘there’ in order to feel enough. And through this lens, the pursuit of what we want will always feel hard, exhausting and out of reach. But here’s the thing… When you give yourself permission to be honest about what you desire and trust that if it’s on your heart and it’s meant for you… then there’s no more fighting, forcing and proving. Instead your energy becomes aligned and it feels easeful, flexible, exciting and like it’s already done. The strategy becomes far less important when you get clear on your intentions behind your actions. Everything falls into place. I want to know how this lands for you right now. What would it mean if you could have a do-over, start fresh, and feel the level of hope and excitement you had when you first started this journey? What is blocking you from feeling that again, now?