17. THIS is Your Secret Power to Success in your Fertility Journey (& LIFE!)

Season #1

You know that time when you felt completely devastated by the circumstances in your fertility journey? You know, the times when you just wanted to crawl into bed & never come out?

I know some of you are in this place RIGHT now which is why I've recorded this podcast for you.

I know you've been on this emotional ttc rollercoaster for months, even years - and sure, time will pass, you'll pick yourself up & continue on - it's not like you're going to quit - but you can't help but notice the guilt, defeat & self doubt that layers on with each downward plummet on this perpetual rollercoaster ride.

Ny question for you is mama, how many more rides are you going to willingly take?

How much of LIFE are you missing out on because you don't have the tools to master your thoughts a& emotions?

Because let's be honest, that's REALLY what's going on here, right?

it's your REACTION to the circumstance that is trigging you into that same old emotional spiral - you know - the one that keeps you trapped in suffering with no certainty of when it'll end?

Well all that suffering ends NOW, mama, because in this episode I'm going to show you HOW to take your emotional power back, break free from the emotional ttc rollercoaster, and finally let go of all the hurt from the past that's keeping you from your baby.

Let's go!


Hey mama, I'm inviting YOU to an Application-Only, Exclusive Private Training hosted by me, Stesha.

Inside the Exclusive, Private Training I will show you:

  • How to overcome the ONE root of infertility (it's much deeper than you have been told)
  • What it takes to cultivate the 3 Fertile Elements to get pregnant naturally
  • Insight on how to master the 'Secret Power" to gaining momentum in your fertility journey

This training is specifically for women interested in working with me inside Holistic Fertility Method to bring their baby into this world in the next 6 months.

You just need to fill out this application to attend (& I'll be in touch about whether you've been accepted):


See you there, mama!