15. How to Have Confident, Connected Conversations with Family About Your Fertility Journey

Season #1

We've all been there, you sit down for dinner with family over the Holidays, and your well-meaning sister in law pops the questions, "so when are you guys going to have kids?'

Now most 'fertility influencers' and coaches might tell you to fire back with a defensive comeback like, "IDK, I'm not a wizard, were you able to plan your kids?" or my favorite..." 1 in 6 couples struggling with infertility and asking them about it makes them feel worse."... This list goes on.

What I noticed that all these suggested comeback had in common. They were all came from an energetic place of inadequacy, insecurity and lack of self love and compassion.

Too often in this journey to motherhood, you're reinforced how broken you are, how powerless you are in creating your future vision, your future family. But I call BS on this assumed helplessness. Here's why:

- you body contains an innate blueprint so intelligent that it can create life out of a mere speck of possibility

- your mind is so powerful that it can manifest ANY emotional experience in your body without it even happening in the external 3D

- your spirit is of the most divine light frequency that exists, constantly making upgrades to your soul as you awaken into conscious in this thing called life.

And that is really what this quick episode is about, a pep talk to remind you how powerful you really are and how insignificant the words said by this well-meaning family member, and how untouched you'll be when you hear it.

And instead of reacting from a place of unresolved childhood wounds, you can courageously step into compassion and vulnerability and connect with your family members over this part of your life.

Because here's the thing...that shit is not serving you, your relationships, and it's definitely not serving your spirit baby waiting to come into this world through a vessel she knows is safe, loving and compassionate.

So if you're ready to ditch the old, defensive, disempowered way of talking about your fertility journey and ready to step into the new, high-vibrating love and powerful way, then let's do this, mama.


Hey mama, I'm inviting YOU to an Application-Only, Exclusive Private Training hosted by me, Stesha.

Inside the Exclusive, Private Training I will show you:

  • How to overcome the ONE root of infertility (it's much deeper than you have been told)
  • What it takes to cultivate the 3 Fertile Elements to get pregnant naturally
  • Insight on how to master the 'Secret Power" to gaining momentum in your fertility journey

This training is specifically for women interested in working with me inside Holistic Fertility Method to bring their baby into this world in the next 6 months.

You just need to fill out this application to attend (& I'll be in touch about whether you've been accepted):


See you there, mama!