5. The Secret to Ending the Shame-Cycle and Finally Getting & Staying Pregnant

Season #1

How many times have you tried to implement new strategies in your fertility journey?

If you’re anything like me, you implemented every strategy in the book…

From nutrition, Chinese Herbs, Seed Cycling and Fertility Awareness Method...all the way to Hypnotherapy Courses, Fertility Yoga Routines and even becoming a certified Mind-Body Practitioner…

All in the hopes that this newly acquired knowledge and well-intentioned strategies would be the SECRET that took me to my goal of getting pregnant.

But without fail, a week, maybe two, in and you find yourself spiraling back to the old you...drinking a pot of coffee in the morning, a bottle of wine at night, and ordering in from your favorite restaurants because, ‘it’s not like anything you do is working anyway…’

Not only are you frustrated that no matter how much effort you put into this journey, nothing seems to work, but also you’re ashamed that you must not have done enough in order to get pregnant that cycle.

And so the shame cycle continues.

I know how painful this cycle can be because I lived it for many years. Not just during my fertility journey, but it had been a pattern my entire life.

It wasn’t until I discovered what was blocking me from creating real, sustainable change in myself and my life that I was finally able to conceive naturally with ease and flow.

So on this week’s podcast, I am going to show you the secret to creating real change and sticking to it without doubling down on effort and willpower. 


Hey mama, I'm inviting YOU to an Application-Only, Exclusive Private Training hosted by me, Stesha.

Inside the Exclusive, Private Training I will show you:

  • How to overcome the ONE root of infertility (it's much deeper than you have been told)
  • What it takes to cultivate the 3 Fertile Elements to get pregnant naturally
  • Insight on how to master the 'Secret Power" to gaining momentum in your fertility journey

This training is specifically for women interested in working with me inside Holistic Fertility Method to bring their baby into this world in the next 6 months.

You just need to fill out this application to attend (& I'll be in touch about whether you've been accepted):


See you there, mama!