The ULTIMATE Holistic Guide to Reverse Endometriosis

May 13, 2021

What’s more painful...the endo itself? Or being dismissed that you have endo...

You’ve had extremely painful periods since you could remember

wrapping up with a hot pad in the fetal position is not uncommon

Heck, you probably have a stash of pain meds on the ready in case you can’t get home in time to ‘wait out the storm’

Yet your doctor STILL doesn’t recognize the fact that you might have Endo!

You’re not alone…

The average woman sees up to 5 DIFFERENT DOCTORS before she gets a diagnosis of endometriosis

With this post, I’m hoping to give you some clarity in your symptoms, confidence in the types of testing at your disposal, as well as what kind of doctor to turn to if you aren’t getting the care you deserve

Lez go!

It should be noted, some women have very severe symptoms, while some women have no symptoms at all. Hence why it’s difficult to get an answer


👉🏼Autoimmune characteristics
👉🏼High inflammatory markers (hs-CRp above 3.0 mg/L)
👉🏼Painful HSG (X ray test where they inject the dye into your uterus & fallopian tubes)
👉🏼Scar tissue in fallopian tubes
👉🏼Nausea / vomiting / diarrhea with period
👉🏼Painful BMs or painful urination during period
👉🏼Spotting / bleeding in between periods
👉🏼Chronic pain in lower back / pelvis
👉🏼Pain during sex
👉🏼Poor egg reserve / poor egg quality
👉🏼Multiple miscarriages
👉🏼Inability to conceive


👉🏼Pelvic MRI or laparoscopic procedure (both which are typically not covered by insurance)
👉🏼Endometrial function test (biopsy from uterus that identifies 2 biochemical markers: cyclin E and p27 that assess endometrial health)
👉🏼Natural killer cells (elevated NK cells indicate potential for endo)
👉🏼ANA (blood test to detect antinuclear antibodies)

Having trouble finding a doctor who ‘gets’ it?!

You might have better luck seeing a REPRODUCTIVE IMMUNOLOGIST ( will hook you up with one in your area), rather than a reproductive endocrinologist

They may be more equipped to address underlying inflammatory & autoimmune conditions that you’re liking experiencing as well.

It’s also important to address endometriosis, not only because of your goal in getting /staying pregnant, but to improve your overall health & longevity!

Endo is a result of extreme inflammation affecting not only your reproductive system, but all systems of your body.

This inflammation comes from the food we eat, water we drink, toxic care products we use, stress from work, negative self talk, toxic relationships, medications, alcohol, & a mismanaged immune response

Sounds kinda complicated, right?

This is why we need a multifaceted approach to address the multifaceted root causes of Endo

Can surgery help? Can medications help?


But if the fire storm of inflammation is not addressed, then Endometriosis is not addressed & the pain will come back & the fertility challenges will linger

Here’s how we take a holistic approach:

✔️Address Nutrition with an Auto-immune / Paleo diet:

👉🏼Organic, non-GMO, pesticide-free produce
👉🏼Organic, grass finished animal proteins (eggs, poultry, bone broth, fish, liver, limit red meat)
👉🏼Healthy fats (olive, coconut, ghee)
👉🏼No gluten, dairy, soy, added sugars, artificial sweetener, night shades, lectins

✔️Address Circulation / Scar Tissue:

👉🏼Pelvic Massage (be cautious as this may aggravate symptoms for some women)
👉🏼Castor Oil packs (7 days leading up to ovulation)

✔️Address Mental / Emotional Blocks:

👉🏼Women with Endometriosis often hold onto a lot of stored, undigested emotions around their body
👉🏼Learning to surrender, let go & heal from these emotions (fear, anger and sadness) is crucial to reversing endo and conceiving
👉🏼If ignored, the negative emotions take up space, thus blocking healthy energy, blood flow & spirit from flowing to your reproductive organs

If you have been diagnosed with Endo or not…
If you have gotten surgery or taken medication, or not…
What matters is, how you’re doing TODAY

Are the symptoms managed? Are you able to conceive?

If not, we’re here to help bring you back to balance & end the war with your body.

Our clients see immediate improvement in their symptoms and some even reverse endometriosis within the first 60 days.

HFM is open for enrollment. Click HERE when you’re ready to learn more💞


**The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Stesha Reukauf makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS WEB SITE.