How to Find Root Causes to Your 'Infertility' Beyond Lab Tests & Diagnoses
Jun 12, 2021If you’ve done everything you’re supposed to do to get pregnant & you’re beating yourself up because nothing has worked, then what gives?
Maybe all that frustration of all the work you HAVE TO DO & all the doubt of NOTHING WORKING FOR YOU is actually backfiring?
Maybe for you, it goes deeper than just 'eating cleaner' & 'stressing less'
Maybe there’s an entire MENTAL / EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL component that no one's ever told you about
If you were anything like me when I first miscarried, I dug my heels in & did ALL the things…
I cleaned up my diet like a maniac, ordered a ton of supplements, booked acupuncture appts, ordered a billion books, signed up for courses & free webinars
Sure, my physical health was improving, but my mental / emotional health got DARK
I never healed from the trauma of miscarriage & tucked it under the rug
I pretended to be 'just fine' & have it all together in front of my friends
I grew resentful towards anyone who ‘sprung up pregnant’
I felt dismissed, invisible, & like I was being left behind
If you're still reading this, it means you're in the middle of defeat & desperate for the way out....or maybe you don't even feel like trying to get out
I get it, sometimes, ya just gotta feel
In fact I ALWAYS encourage you to feel
When we acknowledge & ACCEPT our pain, shame, grief & resentment we let it flow through us
We free up harbored space for abundance & possibility to take its place
But if we keep holding on to it, pretending that everything is fine, & not acknowledging that what you're going through is F**king hard, unfair, & lonely AF, then we won’t ever get to move past it
& if we can’t move past it, we can’t open ourselves up to getting pregnant
I know that life is the most stressful & anxiety-stricken it’s ever been, but don't worry, this isn't just another have-to-do on your to-do list.
In fact, when processed fully, releasing this stored energy FREES us from the pressure, from the burden, from the expectation we've place on ourselves.
It FREES you to just BE, to enjoy life, and to welcome baby in with a loving heart.
Here's how to take the next step…
Become 1 of 100 women we are helping to conceive in 2021 by clicking here to apply for Holistic Fertility Method.
This program is for you if...
You’re confused on what to focus on right now during this weird time
Your doctor doesn’t know why you’re not getting pregnant because everything ‘looks normal’
You’ve been putting off fertility treatments because you dread the thought of side effect, expense and pressure; but feeling anxious about what you should be doing instead
I’m opening up my line of support to give you the tools & empowerment to take control of your new direction
Click the link to apply to HFM and I'll be in touch.