Get Immediate Access NOW

Get immediate access to the ICONIC 2 day experiential breath and womb awakening journey!

...become the trailblazer, an iconic leader of the feminine awakening.


Becoming HER is the embodiment of being fully anchored in her purpose, she is an upward vortex, moving boldly in alignment with her core feminine essence, unapologetically radiating her light and impacting the people she's meant to serve, awakening those in her path to their own power and purpose.


And this iconic, 2 day experiential breath + womb awakening journey will TAKE YOU THERE.

This experience is for the woman stepping into her power and purpose. It's for the woman who is Becoming HER.

What You'll Tap into:

  • The biggest block to you stepping into your power and how to align to your purpose and communicate the value of your work, NOW 
  • Bypass the BS of fear, should's and what if's to access your Soul's purpose
  • Deepen your obsession + conviction of your work, embody the confidence to claim space as a leader in your industry NOW
  • Access your feminine power and integrate it into your being to have you walking and talking as your confident next level HER
  • This experience is going to leave you floored and wanting to share the same embodiment exploration with your own clients!
Claiming HER Now!

Clarity + Vision

+ anchor into your purpose + deepen your conviction that you're the ONE

+ Breathwork Journey -> energetically align to your highest purpose

+ Womb Awakening Journey -> activate your intuition, magnetism and creative power to set your vision into motion, NOW

Feminine Power + Leadership

+ access + awaken your inner power to become an iconic leader of the feminine awakening

+ Feminine Embodiment Practice -> alchemize your biggest fear holding you back from becoming HER, encode the frequency of power and unleash your creative vision