
Learn the MAGIC of leading with desire to create energetically aligned offers that magnetize your audience to BUY.


In this masterclass you'll not only learn how to tap into limitless inspiration and lead with energetic alignment, but also understand how to articulate the VALUE of your magic that instantly resonates with your people (without having to overexplain or convince).

What you'll tap into:

how to connect with the endless stream of inspiration so that you never run out of ideas again

+ how to create from energetic alignment so that offer creation feels light and FUN

+ how to be felt in your magnetism so that clients come to YOU for the link to buy

+ how to weave your magic into the messaging of your offer so that the value is articulated clearly for the ALIGNED buyer

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4 Part Training

It's time to become UNSTOPPABLE when it comes to selling and making sales in your business.

I'm teaching you everything you need energetically BTS before you go to sell your offers PLUS the sexy aligned strategy to take what you're already doing to the next level. It's time to free yourself from the boring strategy and become fully activated in your passion for what you do!

Here's what you get:

activating the magnetism within you that captivates your audience to not only watch, but buy your offers, TODAY

+ stepping into SOLD OUT frequency vibes so that selling feels as effortless as the air you breathe

+ the mindset work to stay plugged into your launch until the end even when no one is buying

+ how somatically price your offers so that you attract higher level, self-led clients who are looking to invest, now

+ how to create consistent sales through content, launch and sales strategy

+ my exact strategy to inspire clients to keep investing in your offers creating lifetime buys

+ where you're leaving money on the table and how to squeeze more out of your current offers without doing more

+ the capacity to sell multiple things at once so that you get paid everyday


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5 Part Training

to map out your next level vision, overcome the fear of being seen, expand your reach and become massively influential in your space.

The Bootcamp is an intimate gathering of women coaches, healers and practitioners stepping into their BIG visionunapologetically speaking their truthleading their movement, and building an ICONIC brand to match.

This Bootcamp will break the glass ceiling, dismantle the fear held within your body and awaken your feminine power centers of intuition, magnetism and creativity.

The ICONIC Coach Bootcamp is about taking your power back and amplifying it.

It's about becoming a TRAILBLAZER by awakening your unique magic and unapologetically expressing it.

How you EXPRESS the fullness of your work will never be the same, your business will never be the same, YOU will never be the same.

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Wealth Energetics Program

Abundance gets to be your natural state. Master the skill of attuning + receiving + elevating your frequency with money again and again into more WEALTH.

No one really understands how I've been able to INTENTIONALLY receive more and more money, stack cash in all my accounts, and embody deeper levels of ease + spaciousness in the process.

I'm ready to reveal my exact process of transcending a state of lack with money into abundance through womb activations + creative energy awakening + subconscious reprogramming + NS regulation.

You get the tool kit and training to expand into higher and higher frequencies of wealth and money manifestation no matter what your current relationship with money is at.

Here's what you get:

+ 6 week self-led training

+ powerful energetic transmissions

+ money elevating toolbox

+ lifetime access

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3 Part Mini-Course

It's time to dismantle the programming keeping you out of your power so you can tap into who you were truly meant to be in the VOID - confident, unyielding, certain and attuned to the inevitability of your success.

For the woman ready to move with steady power & unwavering belief through the VOID.

To be embodied in the identity of the woman who it just gets to work for.

To blast through any mental, emotional, energetic limitation that comes when we don't get what we want right away.

To experience the MAGIC of quantum leaping from one desire to the next without the fear of messing up or facing disappointment.

To ultimately harness the natural state of power and magnetism that is available through every aspect of your life.

Here's what you get:

+ 3 day Training + Q/A covering the energetics, strategy & embodiment of power in the VOID

+ Lifetime access to the course portal


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Self-Led Course

Turn on your magnetic feminine receptivity to attract + manifest your next level health, wealth & desires.

Get my exact energetic codes of magnetism and the exact 'how' behind manifestation process that has allowed to me achieve radiant health, wealth & happiness as a wife, mother and multiple 6 fig business owner with absolute feminine ease & flow.

Here's what you get:

+ 6 Trainings + Recorded Q/A's

+ Lifetime access to content portal


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Self-Led Course

A 30 day high-speed, high-frequency, daily transmissions + journal activations to radically shift from stagnation to VELOCITY inside your fertility journey.

This self-led program is insanely effective, because who we BECOME on this journey is what collapses time and quantum leaps our desires into our physical reality. You will have the CONSISTENCY, INSPIRATION, and ACTIVATION to think, believe, and take action like a woman who succeeds on this journey! This is true EMBODIMENT.

Here's what you get:

+ 30 x 15-20 min DAILY on demand audio lessons + journal activations

+ Each daily lesson contains a journal prompt + aligned action to activate and embody the energetics of fertility

+ Lifetime access to the course portal

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Clear the conditioning blocking your innate ability to tap into your receiving energy with ease.

For women at all stages in their fertility journey who are ready to align deeper into the receiving mode of feminine energy and create more ease, flow & velocity within their fertility journey, NOW.

What you'll tap into:

+ Move from the pushy, forceful masculine energy and tap into feminine creative energy to receive your desires from a place of ease

+ How to energetically lean back & allow while staying deeply committed to getting & staying pregnant, FAST

+ How to tap into your feminine to receive powerfully instead of controlling & chasing

+ Transcend the limitation of negative 'what if's...' that are blocking you from stepping fully into unwavering belief

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My online, self-paced courses are the perfect opportunity for you to dive deep into wealth and business energetics & ignite momentum on your own time, at your own pace. VIBES.

Whether you are brand new to energetics & feminine energy work or you are looking to take your level of embodiment to the next level, my high-level, high-power self-study courses will remove blocks and activate you into your feminine power like never before.

Some of my courses are recordings of live events, and some are live experiences planned for the next couple months! No matter what you choose, you get the added benefit of the undeniably exciting energy of the sisterhood group + support.