The Womb Room

Womb Room is the place where we will Strengthen Feminine Leadership through a Business Shadow Work lens ðŸ‘‘

Womb Room teaches you the process of revealing blind spots where you’re building from wounding. Then doing the work to alchemize and integrate what needs grounded and neutralized to strengthen feminine leadership skills.

What that looks like is…

1 - Uncovering what your current business shadows are and how they’re showing up in three major areas of money energetics, client attraction and offer/content creation.

2 - Then apply Womb Work to unwind the parts within you that are directly and indirectly at the root of your business shadows which ultimately strengthens your ability to lead yourself.

When you dive into this work, EVERYTHING within your awareness becomes an exact roadmap to building a SOLID business without the mental and emotional drama.

Through hundreds of hours of coaching women, most problems and limitations entertained in business come down to ONE thing...

eMoTiOnAl ReAcTiViTy

  • Few have the capacity to sit with and hold space for the emotions that undoubtedly come up while expanding past edges
  • Few have the tools and framework to alchemize shadowy emotions into their greatest source of power
  • Few have the emotional intelligence that can only come from observation and integration of their wounded ego parts

Something I have MASTERED in business is my ability to ALCHEMIZE emotions without ever skipping a beat.

How? Bc I don't 'fake it till I make it,' I don't 'suppress' or 'bulldoze" y way through...


I actually don't believe in 'moving with fear'...I'm unavailable for the frequency of fear weighing me down...I turn that shit to GOLD.

Most people *think* they are LEADING themselves, their clients, their business...

But really they're just REACTING to their unconscious wounding and projecting onto their audience, clients and business

Leading and Reacting are NOT the same frequency and it's time to transcend the little girl energy and claim your role as a potent as hell leader

Welcome to my newest program that is dropping exclusively to my email list at an insane presale price that will only last 48 hours.

It's all ab strengthening your feminine leadership through the lens of shadow work + womb alchemy. 

This one is jampacked with information, strategy, shadow exposure, alchemy work, and feminine embodiment practices as well as my simplified yet potent process on how to do that (and how I've done that!).


MOD 1 - WTF is Productive Womb Work + How our Shadows have been Anchored and Strengthened into our Core Personality + Evolving past Needing a Process

MOD 2 - Womb Work Process + Unraveling your Ego +  Triggers as Mirrors to deeply seeing yourself + Discovering WHY you Attract what you do + Unique Womb Alchemy Process + Dissolving Patterns thorough Integration

MOD 3 - Money Energetics + Alchemize where you're Attached, Avoidant, Entitled and Paralyzed with money + Activate Receiving and Abundance in Business

MOD 4 - Client Attraction + Alchemize Codependency, Manipulation, People Pleasing and Leaky Boundaries + Activate Magnetic Connection to Attract High-Level Clients

MOD 5 - Offer and Content Creation + Alchemize Comparison, Copying, and Chameleoning + Activate Unapologetic Self-Expression


Full Price will be $1,111

  • Begins October 31st
  • 5 Trainings + Transmissions
  • 1 Q/A Call
  • Lifetime Access

$555.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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