Embodied Womb - Level 1 

Join me & fellow thought-leaders and visionaries in a powerful and life-changing Professional Training for coaches, healers & practitioners.

In Level 1 you will be Certified as an Embodied Womb Awakening Facilitator.

Level 1 Curriculum:

  • Understand the profound link between 3D physical symptoms and their 5D emotional and energetic root causes
  • Become a master in quantum energy healing as a modality to not only heal physical symptoms, but to awaken yourself and clients into their truth as energy beings
  • Learn the symbolic language of the body as it dialogues with the undercurrent of vital life force energy
  • Be equipped with efficient and effective practices to empower your clients to drop into their body and release blocked emotion
  • The tools to powerfully shift distorted energies and alchemize trapped emotion to restore innate healing codes of vitality
  • Provide powerful cues for your clients to integrate the mind, body and breath to become fully integrated and embodied
  • Facilitate potent quantum healing sessions (both in person and virtually) through intuitive space holding skills and techniques
  • Confidently lead your client's through an empowering initial assessment by reverse engineering the body's symptoms and connecting the dots to the energetic root cause
  • Refer to and implement root-cause intake form, energy matrix, quantum healing scripts, protocol cheat sheets and other business tools for your practice.

“Not only do I teach you the deepest understanding & embodiment of quantum energetics, but I also mentor you in HOW to creatively incorporate it into your existing and/or new coaching practice."

Choose the best payment option below to secure your place in the March 2024 cohort 

Join Now for Early Bird pricing + BONUS 2 week Iconic Coach Bootcamp ($444)

High-Level Support you'll get:

  • 2 months of Level 1 Certification for Quantum Energy Healing
  • 3 Group Calls per month including teaching + healing + facilitation training
  • The Embodied Awakening Level 1  Content Portal
  • Womb Healing + Energy Vault for Personal healing + embodiment
  • Worksheets, journal prompts, and activations to support your integration
  • Scripts, templates and resources to integrate into your professional practice NOW
  • Mastermind Group Telegram chat for daily support + integration